
Home Emergencies


Normally orthodontic treatment proceeds in a series of planned appointments and emergencies are rare. However, patients may be faced by the following situations requiring immediate attention.

  • Painful teeth – This may happen just after the initial appointment or a routine appointment due to application of pressure. Patients should eat very soft food during this period and if necessary a painkiller can be taken after consultation with the orthodontist. This will usually subside in a couple of days. If it persists, please contact the doctor.
  • A part of the braces or wire poking/causing ulceration – This normally occurs at the start of treatment or if some new wire/ spring is introduced at a subsequent appointment. The offending part can be covered up by the patient using relief orthodontic wax. This irritation should subside in 2-4 days. If it persists please get in touch with us.
  • A part of the appliance or wire is loose or broken – This requires urgent attention and you should contact us and schedule an appointment immediately. We would like to see you at the earliest. If a braces/wire segment /spring is totally loose, take it out of the mouth, keep it in a clean box and come to us. If something is loose but still tied to other parts of the appliance, be careful, don’t meddle with it, contact us and schedule an appointment at the earliest.